Performance issues are a thing. A website thing. From creating a poor customer experience through to preventing sales – your website shoulders hefty responsibility.
In such a competitive digital environment, your website is your modern-day shop front. Only instead of promising a few hundred in physical footfall, it can attract thousands or even millions in potential eCommerce trade.
Just as a strong website can boost sales and profits, so can a slow or outdated one impair them. Online giants Amazon found that 100 milliseconds of latency cost them 1% in sales. Doesn’t sound too much, right? Well, that translated to a loss of $1.6 billion every second. Google VP Marissa Mayer spoke at the Web 2.0 conference about speed, user experience and customer satisfaction. Google found that a half-second delay in search results resulted in a whopping 20% drop in traffic.
Your throughput might not be up there (yet) with Google or Amazon, but for any digital business – every second counts.
But is web development too slow, too costly and too inflexible to meet business demands and changes in customers’ shopping behaviours?
Apple, Amazon and Netflix think so. They have moved away from monolithic architecture for these very reasons. Monolithic architecture is tightly coupled, rigid and does not allow for agile development. This led to slow deployment, slow problem-solving and ultimately a slow time to market – every e-tailers worst nightmare.
The solution? Replatforming and breaking up your monolithic architecture into small, discrete services that are easy to manage allows you to increase your services and change direction as and when you wish to.
Introducing microservice architecture.
Microservice architecture is now the preferred, modern choice for the leading eCommerce players. Built around simplicity and agility; microservice architecture allows you to easily build and maintain web and APP development, yields effortless integration with innovative tech such as AI and personalisation, and keeps you one step ahead of the competition.
Website replatforming means your business capability is no longer dictated or restricted by rigid tech. You have the ability to scale, enhance and build the service offering your customers demand.
The key benefits of website replatforming:
1) Move to a microservices architecture
2) Eradicate site performance issues
3) Move to the cloud and easily auto-scale to manage peaks and promotions such as Black Friday
4) Capture further sales and revenue
5) Rewrite your website with modern code allowing for responsive customer interactions – thus waving goodbye to site/mobile issues
6) Enhance CX
7) Modernise your brand
8) Tap into innovation that is cost-effective
Digital Fabrique Development is a fresh approach to digital transformation trusted by Missguided, River Island, Jack Wills, Arcadia and more. Our focus is on a bit more value and execution, and a bit less talking. With over two decades of experience in delivering eCommerce solutions and website replatforming that utilises leading microservice architecture; we provide your business with the infrastructure to stay competitive, stay agile and scale.
Is your existing website putting the breaks on your business? If so, why not give us a shout?